High Adventure
High Adventure is a program in which older scouts can participate and larger scaled trips.
Scout must be First Class
Scout must be 14+
Troop 119 has a history of participating in the BSA High Adventure camps. In the past decade this participation has been rekindled and resulted in Troop 119 leading several recent expeditions!
Most Recent Trip: Seabase 2023
Ship A-Zach Gilinger,Lucas Taney,Micheal Legnola,Tyler Rifkin,David Deacle,Ben Katzman
Ship B-Owen Blamey,Zarrina Damavandi,Ax Damavandi,Joey Petsko,Liam Goldich,Aryan Ardeshna
2016: Sea Base:
2015: Philmont
Leaders: Mr. Weber and Mr. Chimes
Philmont Scout Ranch: New Mexico
Born in 1938 as Philturn Rockymountain Scoutcamp, today's Philmont Scout Ranch is a bustling center for high adventure and training. Youth and adults take advantage of the Ranch's camping, training and work programs. Most activity takes place during the summer, but Philmont also offers Autumn Adventure and Winter Adventureprograms. More than 1 million Scouts, Venturers, and leaders have experienced the adventure of Philmont since the first camping season in 1939. ] Philmont Scout Ranch is the Boy Scouts of America's largest national High Adventure Base. Its 34 staffed camps and 55 trail camps provide an unforgettable adventure in the high country along hundreds of miles of rugged, rocky trails. Philmont has been a famous stop on the Santa Fe Trail, the home of Jicarilla Apache and Moache Ute Indians, a prospecting community and a working cattle ranch.
The Florida National High Adventure Sea Base is a unique Scouting program that offers aquatics programs found nowhere else. Whether your interests lie in sailing, scuba diving, rustic camping on an undeveloped barrier island, fishing or a combination of all, this is the place for your Troop, Team, Crew, Sea Ship or Explorer Post.
Norther Tier: Minnesota
Northern Tier is the Boy Scouts of America’s gateway to adventure in the Great Northwoods. In the Summer, scouts from Northern Tier’s three wilderness canoe bases explore millions of acres of pristine lakes, meandering rivers, dense forests and wetlands in Northern Minnesota, Northwest Ontario and Northeast Manitoba. In the winter, Northern Tier is home to the OKPIK Cold-Weather Camping program, the BSA's premier winter high adventure program. Fall programming is also available.Northern Tier is the BSA's oldest national High Adventure program, outfitting scouting groups for canoe trips since the summer of 1923. The Charles L Sommers Base has been home to the program since 1941.
Situated in the wilds of West Virginia, The Summit is a training, Scouting, and adventure center for the millions of youth and adults involved in the Boy Scouts of America. And anyone who loves the outdoors. And home to the National Scout Jamboree. And the Paul R. Christen National High Adventure Base which complements the three existing bases: Philmont Scout Ranch, Northern Tier and Florida Sea Base.
Leaders: Mr. Kershner and Mr. Fieseher
2012: Sea Base
2011: Philmont
Leaders Mr. Kershner, Mr. Clayton, and Mr. Weber